Tegna Goes Deep Into Teens' Cyber Life

Tegna stations around the country in February will air a five-part series delving into issues surrounding teenagers and technology—the first such Tegna offering produced at the group level.

If My Parents Only Knew is based on first-hand accounts provided by teens and their parents through focus groups in Atlanta and Houston, according to Tegna. Topics include: cyber bullying; cheating in school; revenge porn; outsmarting parents with technology; and apps parents should know about.

In one episode, students show what unedited cyber sex, humiliation and gossip look like. In another, a boy discusses the humiliation he experienced when an ex-girlfriend posted intimate pictures of him on social media; The girl faces criminal charges.

Exactly when the series will air is up to individual Tegna stations, which assisted in its production, the group said. Additional information and resources will be posted on their websites.

(Photo via Jeroen Bennink's Flickr. Image taken on Feb. 6, 2017 and used per Creative Commons 2.0 license. The photo was cropped to fit 9x16 aspect ratio.)