Ohio Senate Race Means Big Bucks for Local TV
Still months from the general election, TV stations in the swing state Ohio are already seeing an infusion of post-primary political money thanks to a battleground senate race underway.
The Associated Press reports that U.S. Sen. Rob Portman—who faces a tough opponent in his Democratic challenger, the former Gov. Ted Strickland—has spent $14 million on targeted TV time for ads across the state between now and November.
The ad buys in each of Ohio’s 10 TV markets will be completed Thursday, according to the report. Portman’s campaign is shelling out another $1 million for YouTube ads.
The ads will appear during big events such as primetime Ohio State football games, as well as during the highest-rated shows in individual markets, the report said.
Strickland’s campaign reportedly doesn’t have the kind of cash to go head-to-head with Portman on TV. However, the campaign reportedly said Portman needs to spend more money because people know far less about him than the well-known Strickland.
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