Media and Sports Ads Capture Viewer Attention: DoubleVerify Report

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(Image credit: DoubleVerify)

In its first quarterly report providing benchmarks on viewer attention levels, DoubleVerify says that media and sports was the top performing advertising category.

Also among the top three categories were health and pharma and education.

The bottom performers were telecom, financial services and travel.

The global attention benchmarks were produced by the DV Attention Lab, a multidisciplinary team consisting of data scientists, product experts and marketing analysts. Their work focuses on providing advertisers with sophisticated, attention-based insights and recommendations on campaign performance.

"Our latest findings from the DV Attention Lab highlight the dynamic landscape of attention across various industries and regions,” said Daniel Slotwiner, senior VP of Attention at DoubleVerify. “These insights are critical in helping brands better contextualize their ad campaign performance, and implement stronger optimization strategies.” 

Attention has emerged as a metric advertisers are looking at to try to predict how consumers will react to their TV campaigns.

Advertisers can use the DoubleVerify data to determine how their campaigns stack up against competitors within their categories. 

DoubleVerify found that attention trends vary significantly by region, influenced by diverse ad inventory buying strategies. in Latin America, for example, ad performance is generally lower because more than half of the region’s display ad creatives were small format and purchased programmatically. Without optimization, this can result in lower attention metrics, DoubleVerify said. 

“These findings demonstrate that it is not just one factor driving attention – it is the combination of device, environment, message, creative and more, that influence whether consumers pay attention to ads,” said Slotwiner. “That is why measuring and refining campaigns based on all of these factors can help make a real difference in performance.”

DoubleVerify opened its Attention Lab in October 2022.

For engagement, DV Authentic Attention analyzes key user-initiated events that occur while the ad creative is displayed, including user touches, screen orientation, video playback and audio control interactions. 

Jon Lafayette

Jon has been business editor of Broadcasting+Cable since 2010. He focuses on revenue-generating activities, including advertising and distribution, as well as executive intrigue and merger and acquisition activity. Just about any story is fair game, if a dollar sign can make its way into the article. Before B+C, Jon covered the industry for TVWeek, Cable World, Electronic Media, Advertising Age and The New York Post. A native New Yorker, Jon is hiding in plain sight in the suburbs of Chicago.