Google Will Guarantee CTV Buys Via Display & Video 360 Using Nielsen’s DAR

Google Display & Video 360 DAR
(Image credit: Google)

Google said that advertisers buying connected TV and digital video via Google’s Display & Video 360 platform will be able to measure and get audience guarantees based on Nielsen’s Digital Ad Ratings (DAR).

The move will make buying CTV through Display & Video 360 more like traditional TV and make it more convenient to plan, buy and measure, while insuring campaign reach their desired audiences, Google said.

“As viewers continue to shift from traditional TV to connected TV (CTV), marketers are looking for effective ways to connect with streamers and measure the reach of their campaign across a variety of CTV apps. So we’re introducing new CTV solutions in Display & Video 360 to give you the option to pick the inventory and measurement solutions that work best for you,” Jake Jolly, senior product manager for Google’s Display & Video 360 said.

Google also said it was expanding its programmatic guaranteed option for buying video inventory using automated processes.

Google audiences will be available on additional exchanges, including Xandr and Magnite, through programmatic guaranteed programs.

Frequency controls and have also been improved in programmatic deals, Google said.

“For many marketers, simplifying campaign execution for a variety of CTV apps is fundamental to effectively reaching streamers. And Display & Video 360’s capacity to plan, manage ad frequency and and measure performance across YouTube and other CTV inventory sources saves them time and money,” Jolly said.  ■

Jon Lafayette

Jon has been business editor of Broadcasting+Cable since 2010. He focuses on revenue-generating activities, including advertising and distribution, as well as executive intrigue and merger and acquisition activity. Just about any story is fair game, if a dollar sign can make its way into the article. Before B+C, Jon covered the industry for TVWeek, Cable World, Electronic Media, Advertising Age and The New York Post. A native New Yorker, Jon is hiding in plain sight in the suburbs of Chicago.