The Real Wedding Crashers: NBC

"Unlike "Beauty and the Geek," which benefits greatly from its characters, "Real Wedding Crashers" has no particular sweetness, no characters to invest in. There's simply a team of improv actor crashers who attempt to make weddings in Las Vegas memorable." (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)  "It destroys the dignity of all involved — except the people whose faces are electronically obscured, probably because they were smart enough not to sign a release." (USA Today) "A little of this kind of excitement goes a long way. One crashed wedding can be entertaining, but a steady stream could wear thin." (NY Times) "Their team of comedy actors has some spunk and talent, but the show more closely resembles a commercial for mystery dinner theater, complete with testimonials by real audience members about how fun it all was in the end." (LA Times) "OK, so is "The Real Wedding Crashers" juvenile, disappointing, disastrous, hollow, devoid, desperate, or disingenuous? Let's just say the show is "bad," plain and simple, and leave it at that." (Boston Globe)

"As is so often the case, "The Real Wedding Crashers" plays better as a three-minute trailer than a full-blown series — a concept more promising in theory than the elaborate execution." (Variety) "Somehow, "The Real Wedding Crashers" got lost on its way to MTV or Spike, where it would fit somewhat better." (Hollywood Reporter)

You can check out a two minute video recap of the premiere episode here.

Compiled by Alex Weprin