Willner: Title II Will Stunt Broadband Investment #NYCTVWk
Related: Complete Coverage: NYC Television Week #NYCTVWk
New York -- Michael Willner, president and CEO, Penthera and GreatLand Connections Inc., opened up NewBay Media’s NYC Television Week here Wednesday morning by firing away at President Obama’s push toward stricter regulation of the Internet.
Willner, in a conversation with Multichannel News senior finance editor Mike Farrell, said any movement toward Title II reclassification would be “one of the worst policy decisions” not only for the cable and wireless industries, but for consumers.
He envisions a repeat of what happened 20-plus years ago after the Cable Act was enacted in 1992. At that time, cable industry was rebuilding its plant, putting in fiber optics to lay the groundwork for the Internet, which no one at that time could fully imagine would become such an integral part of daily existence.
To read the full story, visit Multichannel.com.
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