Ergen: Comcast/TWC Approval Could Make DirecTV Merger More Palatable

Dish Network chairman Charlie Ergen said if the pending Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger passes regulatory muster, it could make it easier for a combination of the two largest satellite TV players, Dish and DirecTV.

“If you take the No. 1 and No. 4 [pay TV] providers and put them together, it’s hard to see why you can’t put No. 2 and No. 3 together,” Ergen said on a conference call with analysts to discuss fourth quarter results. But the Dish chairman expressed some doubt that the Comcast/TWC deal would receive approval.

“This puts pressure on everybody that in a way is a bit unprecedented,” Ergen said. “…Nothing I can see is positive about this. If you are a pay TV provider and your name is not Comcast or Time Warner Cable, I don’t see anything positive.”

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