The Cable Show 2014: TV Everywhere Progress Made with Content

Los Angeles—Against the backdrop of CTAM’s push for an industry-wide marketing effort to promote and establish best practices, including sign-in for “TV Everywhere,” industry executives gathered at a Cable Show panel here Wednesday to discuss the state of the platform.

The consensus is that the industry—programmers and distributors alike—are making progress, especially on the content availability front, but much works remain when it comes to awareness and ease of authentication.

To that end, CTAM president and CEO John Lansing, the moderator of “Now Playing on Any Screen: What’s Now & What’s Next in TV Everywhere,” asserted the group’s goals of raising awareness among pay video subscribers from 17% at the end of 2013 to 50% by the conclusion of this year; lift usage to 50% among that expanded set; and to get 75% of its members to support a uniform sign-up process.

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