AT&T’s To Bring ‘GigaPower’ To St. Louis

AT&T said Wednesday that it will deploy its fiber-based “GigaPower” network to parts of St. Louis, where Charter Communications is the incumbent cable operator.  

The coming deployment will bring symmetrical 1 Gbps broadband services to area residential and business customers. AT&T said it is also considering GigaPower builds in other cities in the St. Louis metropolitan area, including Chesterfield, Edwardsville, Florissant and Granite City.  

As has been the case with similar GigaPower deployment plan announcements, AT&T said availability of GigaPower-class services and pricing of services for the St. Louis market will be announced at a later date.  Its stand-alone 1-Gig service in Dallas/Fort Worth runs $120 per month, and as low as $70 per month in Austin, Texas.  

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