NTIA Stakeholders Face Facial Recognition Decisions
The National Telecommunications & Information Administration will try to resolve two key issues in the facial recognition multistakeholder process at a meeting June 11 in Washington, one of which is whether to make it an opt in or opt out regime.
At the December meeting, according to an email from NTIA to stakeholders, left unresolved were 1) whether and how to create an exception from a voluntary code of conduct for facial recognition technology associated with anti-fraud and loss prevention and 2) deciding on a "default condition" for user control of the technology outside of the anti-fraud context, which means whether to make the default allowing or disallowing facial recognition, including whether there should be a separate standard for teens and children.
Opt in or opt out is one of the key issues to various online tracking and targeting technologies.
Among the other issues up for discussion are: 1) whether a subject of facial recognition technology has a right to audit that, including for accuracy; 2) whether they have a right to redress for false positives or negatives that might deny them access to products or services; 3) how a code could or should deal with whether an entity using the technology has to track how that data is used.
Also on the agenda is identifying dates for meetings in July, September, October and November, and what folks should be working on for the July meeting.
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Contributing editor John Eggerton has been an editor and/or writer on media regulation, legislation and policy for over four decades, including covering the FCC, FTC, Congress, the major media trade associations, and the federal courts. In addition to Multichannel News and Broadcasting + Cable, his work has appeared in Radio World, TV Technology, TV Fax, This Week in Consumer Electronics, Variety and the Encyclopedia Britannica.