Trio Tops Weekly Project For Excellence In Journalism's New Media Index
The top news stories on the Web for the week ending June 4, according to the latest Project for Excellence in Journalism New Media Index were the Israeli attack on a Turkish ship bound for Gaza (blogs), soccer and the World Cup (twitter); and an Indonesian 2-year-old who smokes two packs a day (YouTube).
The top story that week in the mainstream press was the oil spill, while the Israeli attack was second.
Nearly a third of the blog stories were about the Israeli attack that left nine dead, followed by a story about the fastest 500 supercomupters and a mass shooting in England.
Soccer led Twitter with 13% of the coverage, followed by two AT&T stories combined, one about the consequences of a customer's e-mail to the CEO, and one about the company's announcement of new pricing for mobile broadband. The third most tweeted story was about California charging customers for using store-ssued paper bags.
The top two videos on YouTube were the smoking toddler and the Israeli incident. Actually, they were also the top five, with two different todder videos coming in at numbers 1 and 5, bracketing three different views of the attack.
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Contributing editor John Eggerton has been an editor and/or writer on media regulation, legislation and policy for over four decades, including covering the FCC, FTC, Congress, the major media trade associations, and the federal courts. In addition to Multichannel News and Broadcasting + Cable, his work has appeared in Radio World, TV Technology, TV Fax, This Week in Consumer Electronics, Variety and the Encyclopedia Britannica.