Report: Smartphones Pump Up Adult Content

In what could lead to a whole new definition for the term “sexting,” mobile users are expected to drive future viewership of adult content, according to U.K.-based research firm Juniper Research.

According to its recent report – Digital Adult Content: Market Trends, Forecasts & Revenue Opportunities 2015-2020 – Juniper estimates that more than 136 billion adult videos will be watched globally in 2015. That number will grow to 193 billion by 2020, Juniper said, fueled by smartphone users. According to Juniper, each smartphone user of adult content is expected to watch 348 adult videos this year.

The U.S. will see the greatest growth – video views are predicted to grow by nearly 55% in the United States by 2020 – while Western Europe will see a modest increase. In developing regions, the increasing availability of 4G and WiFi as well as smartphone and tablet ownership is expected to drive adult video streaming uptake.

While Juniper said that revenue growth will be steady over the next five years, specific pockets such as videochat and web cam offerings are expected to outpace the overall sector, mainly because they are purchased on a subscription basis rather than a pay-per view basis.

As in the past, the proliferation of free content could hamper growth.