Neopets: Kids Prefer Kerry, Fox News

After consulting with their online virtual pets, 44% of kids 8-17 would vote for Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) in the upcoming presidential election.

A Jack Myers Report/ ( poll of 2,000 Neopets members in that age range also found that 38% would vote for President George W. Bush and 1% for Independent candidate Ralph Nader, and the remaining 11% were undecided.

The poll was conducted after the Democratic National Convention. In a similar poll prior to the DNC, Bush edged Kerry 41%-40%, with 10% undecided and 2% favoring Nader.

Among other poll findings:

• 71% identified broadcast-television networks as their primary source of news and information about the upcoming presidential elections, with 38% saying it was their most important source;

• 41% rely on cable-TV news, 45% read newspapers and 40% use the Internet for information on the elections; and

• Fox News was the most-watched network for election news, selected by 35%, followed by CBS (29%), NBC (28%), ABC (23%), Cable News Network (20%) and MTV: Music Television (12%).