
Jonathan Gorchow,
VP and executive producer, original programming, Comcast Network, Philadelphia, promoted to VP and GM, CN8.

Robert Winston,
director of sales, AMFM Inc., Los Angeles, joins Metro Networks/Shadow Broadcast Services, Los Angeles, as VP and GM.

Arthur Fennell,
anchor, WCAU-TV Philadelphia, joins CN8, Philadelphia, as anchor.

Appointments at WGNO New Orleans: Dawn Ostrom,
reporter, promoted to weekend anchor; Curt Sprang,
reporter, promoted to weekend anchor.

Tina Simpkin,
meteorologist, KOLR/KDEB-TV Springfield, Mo., joins WDAF-TV Kansas City, Mo., as meteorologist.

Karen Jordan,
news anchor, WRGT-TV Dayton, Ohio , joins WPHL-TV Philadelphia, as news reporter and anchor.