
David Doss,

executive producer,
NBC Nightly News

with Tom Brokaw, New York, joins
PrimeTime Thursday,

ABC, New York, as executive producer.

Roshini Rajkumar,

reporter, KCCI(TV) Des Moines, Iowa, joins WTVF(TV) Nashville, Tenn., as reporter.

Appointments at WDAF-TV Kansas City, Mo.:
Heidi Schmidt,

recent grad of Tabor college, Hillsboro, Kan., joins as dayside associate producer;
Jennifer Mazi,

recent grad of Truman State University, Kirksville, Mo., joins as associate producer.

Appointments at Internet Broadcasting Systems:
Fred Olsen,

news producer, KETV(TV) Omaha, Neb., joins, as managing editor;
Marcus Riley,

general assignment reporter, WLKY-TV Louisville, Ky., named managing editor,, Louisville, Ky.