It's back: Where Things Stand

Where Things Stand, concise and timely updates on TV and radio issues before the Federal Communications Commission and Congress, returns Oct. 24 as a regular feature of BROADCASTING & CABLE's Web site (go to and scroll down to "Features").

It covers everything from DTV to must-carry to the ownership caps. In addition to the updates, it includes key facts about the FCC commissioners and their staffs, and a guide to other online resources that will help keep you briefed on what's happening.

The feature is the work of Erwin G. Krasnow and Michael D. Berg, partners at Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson & Hand, and two of the most prominent communications attorneys in Washington. Along with David Siddall, they just authored FCC Lobbying: A Handbook of Insider Tips and Practical Advice.

Krasnow and Berg have promised to update the feature every month. So it is BROADCASTING & CABLE's hope that you will visit the site often—whenever you need a quick fix on where things stand in Washington.