Disney Redraws TV Animation Lines
A day after the announcement of the resignation of Walt Disney Television Animation President Barry Blumberg, Disney outlined the corporate structure for the integration of the group into Disney Channel Worldwide.
As part of the restructuring, the division will now consist of four departments: Production; Creative Affairs; Finance, Planning, Technology and Operations; and Business and Legal Affairs.
Overseeing the new divisions will be Lisa Salamone, animation production;
Meredith Metz, creative affairs; Joanna Spak, finance, planning, etc.; and Mark Kenchelian, business and legal affairs.
Salamone and Met will now report directly to Disney Channel Worldwide President of Entertainment Gary Marsh.
Spak will report to Disney ABC Cable Networks Group Executive VP and CFO Jewell Engstrom, and Kenchelian will report to Disney ABC Cable Networks Group Executive VP of Business and Legal Affairs Fred Kuperberg.
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