BBCA Opens Detroit Office, Hires Ad Exec Ted Andrusz

BBC America has opened an ad-sales office in Detroit, headed by ex-Weather Channel exec Ted Andrusz.

The network also has ad-sales offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

For the last ten years, Andrusz was the VP, Regional Sales Manager for The Weather Channel in Detroit. He has also been part of the sales leadership teams for MTV Networks, Fox Sports, ESPN and Turner Broadcasting.

Mark Gall, EVP at BBC America, and, said in a release: "We couldn't be more proud that Ted has joined us in Detroit, the automotive industry's global headquarters. His high energy, experience and professionalism will serve our customers well."

Andrusz said: "I'm proud and more than excited to join BBC America, and represent cutting edge TV programs like Top Gear and Doctor Who, which deliver viewers with the highest income and education in all of national TV."

The network also added to its ad-sales presence in Chicago by hiring Kerry Mysliwiec as account executive. She  joins BBCA from MTV Networks. Prior to that she worked at E! Entertainment Television/Style Network.