Sci Fi Channel Strategic Opportunities - February 2009


The announcement of Sci Fi Channel's rebranding comes as no surprise, though the new title, "Syfy," might confuse some at first.  (When a network needs to issue a disclaimer about how to correctly pronounce their new moniker, is that really a good sign?)  Either ways, the times, they are a-changin' for the network.

According to recent press, the change was made, in part, so they can move away from the nerdy and geeky images traditionally associated with science-fiction fans.  Network President David Howe said that the name resonated with the younger, tech-savvy crowd because that would be "how they would text it." He also said, in an inteview with TV Week, the name "...made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise." (TV Week, March 16, 2009)

Also in the works are extensions of the Syfy brand as kids' network, a gaming company, and finding a home in new global territories.

And next stop - Mars?


Programming concepts that are original playing in the Sci Fi genre. They are not limiting themselves to a particular genre either - all forms seem to fly, as long as they are original and compelling.


Similar requirements, they are not opposed to acquiring high quality completed series, dramatic or alternative programming that fit with their brand and needs.


Agents should contact the executive in the department in which they are trying to submit (ex., reality, scripted).  All e-mail addresses at the Sci Fi Channel follow the format of


According to an article in C21, Network President David Howe is looking for a companion show to Sci Fi's GHOST HUNTERS.  Says Howe, ""We absolutely are focused around finding more partner shows that we can launch with GHOST HUNTERS - anything that taps into the supernatural, paranormal space, that gives you that docu-soap of a team that is in these houses, and also the visceral fear element of ghostly, spine-chilling stuff going on within the house. We'd really love to nail another show that we can put alongside GHOST HUNTERS and that's a big focus for this year." (C21, March 2, 2009.)


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