Bob Garfield Posts Again: "Comcast Must Die/Part Six"

Bob Garfield, host of public radio’s On The Media and Ad Age columnist, is turning into the Braveheart of the Internet,  routing Comcast on his blog.   This morning he posted yet another installment in his fierce, take-no-prisoners "Comcast Must Die" series.  His posts have quickly become blogging classics and his blog site a rallying point for fed-up cable customers who feel they have nowhere else to turn.

Comcast Must Die: Part 6

Posted by Bob Garfield on 09.24.07 @ 08:44 AM

"My crusade to bring a gigantic corporation to its knees is moving along apace.

Judging by the comment traffic in the Bobosphere, the infuriating impenetrability of Qualmcast customer service has created a deep vein of resentment and hostility — which I intend to exploit to the fullest. I will not be satisfied until Qualmcast is on its knees, weeping. In fact, I won’t be satisfied until it is heaving with sobs, squealing and hyperventilating and snot dripping from its nose."