Volume Control

Train Wreck TV

“I think the WE [Women’s Entertainment] channel is actually the [tick] me off channel. Dish replaced Lifetime with this train wreck and I am literally watching like a train wreck. I can’t look away. Shows like Daddy’s Spoiled Little Girl and The Secret Lives of Women are kind of ticking me off. Damn, I don’t have the luxury of these disorders. Compulsive shopping, yeah, right!”

Janel Lamb
Janellybellys World http://jamberslife.blogspot.com/

Fighting Spirit of 76

“In what is clearly a publicity stunt, Dish [Network] is counting on the 76% figure to make Lifetime look greedy. When enough people complain, Lifetime drops its requests and Dish TV isn’t the one left with angry subscribers.”

Jim Durbin
Recruiting.com http://www.recruiting.com/recruiting/2006/01/lifetime_and_di.html

Leverage: It’s Part of Business

“It is widely assumed that Fox News’ resident Einstein, Roger Ailes, is preparing to launch a Fox business channel on cable to compete with NBC’s CNBC. I’ll bet News Corp., Murdoch, and Ailes have waited to launch their business channel until the 10-year contracts for the Fox News Channel with MSOs expire at the end of the this year, so that when Fox sits down at the poker table to negotiate, it will be holding a very strong hand.”

Charles Warner
Media Curmudgeon http://www.mediacurmudgeon.com/

Envisioning Life Without Cable

“So if you are truly looking at lowering cable television rates, a good place to start is not with the cable operators but with the studios and networks. They are the ones who have the controlling interests in the big picture. They dictate the terms. But really the bottom line is the fact that cable television and going to the movies are all forms of entertainment and they are not necessities of life. You do not need cable television to survive; it is an extra in life.”

Mr. Viddy
Le Petite Morte http://lepetitemorte.blogspot.com/