Iger Tells Affils of Cable Route

Las Vegas -- In order for over-the-air television to remain
vital, ABC Inc. president Robert Iger last week warned that TV-station affiliates
must become amenable to network programming being "repurposed" to other outlets,
potentially cable.

"The notion of our programs running only on our
networks is an anachronism, and it is now clear that repurposing expensive product is an
imperative," Iger said, speaking at the National Association of Broadcasters
conference here.

Referring to the success of cable networks owned by
ABC's parent, The Walt Disney Co., Iger said, "Broadcasters simply must find a
way to participate in this subscription revenue stream."

Diminishing ratings has caused the broadcast networks to
squeeze affiliates in recent years, offering lower compensation for running network
programming or even demanding fees for certain shows.