Comcast Programming Band Hires Singer
Allan Singer, former head of programming at AT&T Broadband, has joined
Comcast Corp.'s new programming-investments division.
Singer, whose new title is senior vice president, is working for Amy Banse,
executive VP of the programming-investments unit, which was formed in
The unit manages Comcast's stakes in existing cable networks such as E!
Entertainment Television and seeks out new investment opportunities in
programming services.
Singer and Comcast couldn't be reached for comment Monday.
Singer, who was senior VP of programming at AT&T Broadband, isn't the
only ex-official at that Denver-based MSO to make his way to the "City of
Brotherly Love" and Comcast. Matt Bond, whom Singer used to work for at AT&T
Broadband, is now at Comcast as executive VP of programming, negotiating
carriage deals with cable networks.
Several months ago, industry speculation was that Singer would be recruited
by his ex-AT&T Broadband bosses, William Schleyer and Ron Cooper, to become
head of programming at Adelphia Communications Corp.
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