Steaming Over Streaming

We can put a man on the moon, but nobody could seem to stream the hearing today on Comcast/NBCU from Los Angeles Monday.

The house Judiciary Committee, which held the field hearing, had said it was not streaming it, with not much explanation beyond the logistics and cost cited by one committee source. C-SPAN cited the lack of a witness list on Friday as one reason not having it on the calendar.

Why would a powerful congressional committee hold a hearing in a big city on an issue that includes access to online content and not make sure it could be streamed to the rest of the country? I don’t know.

Free Press hired someone in L.A. to tape the hearing and try to live stream it, but a spokesperson said that the freelancer they hired opined that wireless connectivity seemed to be available, but that that he was unable to stream the coverage. Tweets from others at the hearing suggested connectivity problems.

A committee spokesman had told Multichannel News Friday that the committee would be happy to work with an outside party to stream the hearing.

The Free press spokeswoman said she would post their coverage as soon as possible, both on its Web site as well as excerpts on YouTube.